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2 Lengths Mindset Course
Full Course Resources
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Making a start
About me (Video 1) (1:50)
My Story - 2 Lengths (Video 2) (4:11)
Why this course? (Video 3) (1:46)
Course Overview (Video 4) (2:05)
What is mindset? (Video 5) (1:28)
Resource - Intro to resources & What is mindset? (Printable)
Why is mindset important? (Video 6) (1:05)
Resource - Why is mindset important to you? (Video 7)
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part one (Video 8) (1:43)
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part two (Video 9) (0:56)
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part three (Video 10) (2:15)
Resource - Construct a partnership - Check & Challenge
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part four (Video 11) (2:41)
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part five (Video 12) (1:26)
Exercise - Sweets! (Video 13) (1:34)
Construct a partnership - A pact with your mind - Part six (Video 14) (2:37)
New mindsets for new beginnings
The two types of mindset (Video 15) (0:36)
Fixed mindset (Video 16) (1:26)
Resource - Fixed mindset
Growth mindset (Video 17) (1:03)
Resource - Growth mindset
The benefits of the right mindset (Video 18) (1:23)
Resource - The benefits of the right mindset
Making a mindset choice (Video 19) (0:39)
Resource - Making a mindset choice
Develop the 3P's of mindset
The 3P's - Progress (Video 20) (1:19)
Exercise - Progress (Video 21) (2:17)
Resource - Progress
Perseverance (Video 22) (1:21)
Resource - Perseverance
Check and challenge (Video 23) (1:16)
Resource - The power of yet
Exercise - A powerful question (Video 24) (0:56)
Exercise extended (Video 25) (1:11)
Practice asking powerful questions daily (Video 26) (0:46)
Resource - Practice asking powerful questions daily
Proof - Part one (Video 27) (1:08)
Proof - Part two (Video 28) (1:20)
Journeying from Hope to Know (Video 29) (1:28)
Resource - Journeying from Hope to Know
Conclusion - The 3P's (Video 30) (0:38)
Resource - Journeying from Hope to Know
Simple Strategy
Taking the gold from feedback (Video 31) (1:57)
Let's get real about feedback (Video 32) (1:21)
Exercise - Verbal feedback from others (Video 33) (1:10)
Resource - Verbal feedback from others
Exercise - Verbal feedback from others (Video 34) (1:02)
Resource - Verbal feedback from others - concluded
Exercise - Verbal and non-verbal feedback from others (Video 35) (1:01)
Resource - Verbal and non-verbal feedback from others
Exercise - Verbal and non-verbal feedback from others - concluded (Video 36) (1:12)
Resource - Verbal and non-verbal feedback from others - concluded
Practice feedback (Video 37) (0:54)
Resource - Your own feedback journey
Exercise - Hard evidence or results based feedback (Video 38) (1:20)
Resource - Hard evidence or results based feedback
Exercise - Hard evidence or results based feedback - concluded (Video 39) (1:56)
Resource - Hard evidence or results based feedback - concluded
Exercise - Performance feedback (Video 40) (0:32)
Resource - Performance feedback
Exercise - Performance feedback - concluded (Video 41) (2:15)
Resource - The gold in the performance feedback - concluded
Evolve & Grow
Aligning thoughts and beliefs (Video 42) (0:48)
Why align thoughts, feelings and beliefs? (Video 43) (1:30)
The stages of aligning thoughts, feelings and beliefs (Video 44) (1:44)
Influencing results (Video 45) (1:41)
Exercise - My goals/My to feel list (Video 46) (1:47)
Resource - My goals/My to feel list
The power in the feeling (Video 47) (1:21)
Embracing failure (Video 48) (1:45)
What does failure mean? (Video 49) (1:53)
Taking the lessons from your past failures (Video 50) (2:00)
Taking Control
Own it...own it all (Video 51) (1:15)
Taking responsibility = Taking back control (Video 52) (1:55)
Exercise - Ownership Part one (Video 53) (1:30)
Resource - Ownership Part one
Exercise - Ownership Part one - concluded (Video 54) (1:19)
Exercise - Ownership Part two (Video 55) (1:17)
Resource - Ownership Part one
Exercise - Ownership Part two - concluded (Video 56) (0:56)
Learn to love the process (Video 57) (1:45)
Mastery can be boring (Video 58) (2:17)
Mastering your weaknesses (Video 59) (0:55)
Getting into your zone (Video 60) (0:48)
Exercise - Getting into your zone (Video 61) (0:59)
Resource - Getting into your zone
Exercise - Getting into your zone - concluded (Video 62) (0:57)
Optimism Vs Positivity (Video 63) (1:23)
Exercise - Getting into your zone - concluded (Video 62)
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